B2B News Network

March 03, 2016 |
Addaptive Intelligence

Account Based Marketing (ABM) is something we feel passionately about here at AdDaptive. Check out co-founder Patrick Shea’s input in B2B News Network’s article on how enterprises can monetize data:

B2B Solution of the Week: How enterprises can monetize data

Account-based marketing and retargeting

As seen in recent coverage, account-based marketing (ABM) remains one of the hottest areas of B2B data analytics. Using leads, buying intent signals, white paper stats and other ABM data, BI scientists can focus on the customer accounts they already know and retarget them with display ads and other paid-for messaging.

“We’ve found that many B2B companies have tremendously rich and underutilized data,” says Patrick Shea, co-founder, AdDaptive Intelligence, an ad tech company. “Whether that’s lead information, CRM data or subscriber info, those are extremely strong signals of business purchase intent. Activating that data is the first step to unlocking value.”

And using that data to run highly targeted digital media campaigns is an extremely effective way to monetize data, according to Shea. Lead retargeting and ABM are great ways to start, he says.

Ideally, B2B practitioners will use this data to learn about users and the companies they represent, then target them and their colleagues with digital ads in coordination with the rest of marketing. With lead retargeting, they’re getting a message in front of a specific user who has shown some interest (e.g., white paper download, form fills).

“Someone who has demonstrated intent in your product and then been exposed to additional messaging about that product is more likely to be receptive to your other marketing efforts,” Shea says. “Or they could convert directly from the digital ad.”