Geofencing Series Introduction

May 18, 2016 |
Addaptive Intelligence

A successful mobile geofencing strategy starts with understanding inventory availability and how to plan around it. While that may sound cliché, it is important to use the dynamics surrounding mobile inventory reach to develop the strategies that will eventually produce meaningful impressions.

Not every mobile device, and more specifically mobile applications with ad serving capabilities, is accessible to programmatic inventory pools. According to 2016 Pew Research study, over 72% of Americans now own a smartphone. While on the surface that might seem like a vast pool of available mobile inventory for advertisers to dip into, in reality the accessible pool that pertains to mobile geofencing is only a fraction of that.


Part One: Location Sharing & App Content
outlines some of the key factors that affect inventory and reach when it comes to running mobile campaigns with geofencing requirements.

Part Two: Increased Reach explores some effective strategies to increase reach while adhering to advertiser demands around geofencing.