Leverage AdDaptive’s B2B CTV Solution

June 08, 2020 |
Laura Bakopolus Goldstone

Introducing AdDaptive’s Programmatic Connected TV Offering

B2B professionals have adapted to a new digital-first environment in unprecedented ways, expanding the traditional office into a dynamic virtual space. In this new reality, remote business devices have brought increased opportunities for brand exposure that may have previously been limited to B2C advertising. With this digital territory expansion comes the burgeoning new frontier for programmatic B2B targeting: Connected TV.

What is CTV?

Connected TV (CTV) refers to any TV (or any device using television as a display) that can be connected to the internet to access content beyond typical offerings from cable providers. Programmatic TV is the automated buying of TV inventory – a data-driven approach to buying and delivering ads against video content on TV.

AdDaptive’s B2B CTV Solution promotes your brand with accessible B2B targeting informed by validated online and offline data. Whether you are new to Connected TV or well-versed in TV advertising, leveraging premium inventory to target viewers who are already engaged creates another channel for brand awareness and digital engagement. If you’re already running display, native, video, and/or linear TV ads, distributing resources across multiple avenues will provide you with the most comprehensive way of reaching your target B2B audience.

Discover how AdDaptive’s new B2B CTV offering amplifies media plans with or without existing TV advertising in these sharable two-pagers and overview one-sheet:

For Companies with TV Ad Campaigns:


For Companies Without TV Ad Campaigns:

Looking to add CTV to their media plans


AdDaptive’s B2B CTV Solution at a Glance:

Quick overview of AdDaptive’s B2B CTV offering for all audiences