Incorporating CTV In Your Omnichannel ABM Approach

February 24, 2022 |
Helen Neely

By adding Connected TV (CTV) alongside your display, native, and video advertising campaigns, your entire B2B strategy is strengthened and you are able to reach your target audience from additional angles outside of a web browser.

Employing a combination of media touchpoints significantly increases the reach of a brand’s messaging. Adding CTV to your omnichannel ABM strategy allows your business to drive the message home, both literally and figuratively. When a key account views and engages with a brand’s ads on multiple platforms at various times throughout the flight of a campaign, their chances of being converted to a sale become much higher. The more touchpoints that a brand has with a lead, the faster the lead is warmed and pushed through the sales funnel.

Over the last several years, B2B targeting has expanded beyond traditional business devices and work hours alone. B2B ads are now being engaged with across a wide variety of devices and timeframes. Most recently, ABM has also entered the home in the form of CTV. This has quickly become an integral part of many agencies’ media plans, in large part due to the nation-wide shift from the office to a work-from-home business structure. This work-from-home style is here to stay for many companies, which means that professionals for key accounts will remain spread out across different offices and locations. A variety of targeting channels is now necessary to reach the right people in the right place.

Industry analysts continue to predict substantial growth for programmatic CTV, as more and more agencies continue to add CTV to their business strategies. As we look towards the removal of third-party cookies from Google Chrome, cookieless advertising solutions such as CTV coupled with transparent analytics reports provide companies with a future-proof, omnichannel ABM strategy. AdDaptive’s comprehensive analytics solutions are available for display, native, video, audio, and programmatic CTV allowing your brand to optimize campaigns across all media platforms at any point during the flight by learning exponentially more about your audience with each subsequent campaign.

Pair your omnichannel marketing approach with AdDaptive’s Analytics solutions for enhanced strategic targeting along each step of the campaign journey and across each advertising platform, including CTV. Then, with Campaign Analytics your company can gain up-to-the-minute insights into how your key accounts are engaging with your CTV campaign and adjust your strategy accordingly at any step of the campaign journey.

View our latest resource for an overview of the benefits of CTV advertising:




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