Expert Optimization: Campaign in Motion

August 17, 2023 |
Matt Shore

Part two of our Expert Optimization series

In our previous blog post in this series, we spoke to a few of our advertising experts about how to properly build an advertising campaign and prepare to launch. At AdDaptive, we’re proud to offer holistic campaign support from start to finish. While the campaign is running, our experts are hard at work making optimizations to ensure you meet and exceed your goals.

Today we are speaking with our resident campaign experts about what an ad tech partnership with AdDaptive looks like during the campaign flight.

Mid-Flight Optimization

After the flight begins, AdDaptive’s team of experts continue their support through campaign optimizations and open communication through strategic updates. Progress is tracked through the Campaign Analytics report where impressions, clicks, CTR, and engagement metrics are broken down into firmographic sections like heat map, business location by state, business size, NAICS codes, and more. AdDaptive’s experts closely monitor the campaign and interpret the results of the Campaign Analytics report, looking for ways to further enhance results.

Senior Director of Technical Media Solutions and Analytics Eli Moger shared a few examples of optimizations that the AdDaptive team makes during the flight to get the most out of each client’s ad spend:

You don’t have to wait until the next iteration of your campaign to make effective adjustments.

These recommendations come in the form of strategic conversations throughout the campaign at the client’s preferred cadence. With an AdDaptive partnership, you will never be completely locked into your campaign the second it launches. Our team of experts can help actively hone the campaign during the flight to yield the results that matter most to your business. 

Launch Campaigns with Experts on Your Side

Whether you’re building your first campaign or your thousandth, AdDaptive’s team of experts are here to support you at each step of the process. From defining your audience and goals to optimizing your campaign mid-flight and providing strategic conversations, our number one priority is helping you meet and exceed your goals.

In our next installment of the Expert Optimization series, we will dive into what an AdDaptive partnership looks like post-campaign.

Read the other parts of the series here:

Ready to speak with an expert yourself? Book a meeting below. We’d love to hear from you.